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It takes 7 seconds to Nail a First Impression

You only get to make a ☝🏼first impression, once.

In that first 7 seconds of meeting someone, our brains make a thousand computations which determine whether that person is likeable, trustworthy and competent.

That decision usually comes from a mixture of your personality, body language, and communication skills (if not, then that person already has an opinion of you before you've even met...)

However, these are 4 tips to better connect with someone in the first 7 seconds:

1. Prepare - failing to do so, is preparing to fail!

Before meeting someone do your research first. Check out their social media profiles, research their company and its competitors, and inform yourself of any recent industry news or updates.

The more informed and prepared you are, the more confident you'll feel when meeting with someone.

2. A Smile goes a long way!

Okay... maybe not like Bruce here.

However, studies show that a person is more likeable and trustworthy when they smile. Would you want to talk to a grouchy person?

Build rapport from the get go and just be friendly and smile.

3. Keep eye contact

Body language is everything. Think about any conversation you've ever had - did you connect with someone who looked at their shoes, or around the room, while talking to you? Eye contact shows your interest & engagement in the conversation, and makes you more likeable to that person.

Keeping eye contact can be daunting though (especially if you're shy by nature) -

So here's a little trick:

Practise talking while staring at yourself in a mirror, and get familiar with that feeling.

It helps!

4. Show empathy

This is completely different to emotion. You don't need to be overly emotional when you talk with someone (excessively start laughing, or become over-joyed, or start crying if they tell you bad news...awkward).

Instead show empathy - be understanding, be respectful, show your appreciation for the conversation by thanking them for their time to meet with you.

Ultimately, don't try so hard to be likeable - just be yourself and you'll feel natural and comfortable in the conversation.

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Use this tips to improve your first impression next meeting.


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